Legal notices

Site Editor

Haliro SAAS - HORACLES SAS - 58 rue de Monceau 75008 PARIS


VAT Number: FR60981815004

Registered under SIREN number: 981815004

Haliro SAAS - HORACLES SAS - 58 rue de Monceau 75008 PARIS


VAT number: FR60981815004

Registered under the SIREN number: 981815004

Haliro SAAS - HORACLES SAS - 58 Monceau Street 75008 PARIS


Intra-community VAT number: FR60981815004

Registered under the SIREN number: 981815004

Publication Directors

Astrocyte - President of HORACLES SAS.

Creation of the website



Terms of use for the website

You agree not to use the Site for illegal purposes and not to publish or transmit information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or false, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, or offensive. Similarly, you agree not to publish or transmit on the Site any writings or documents containing viruses or anything that could disrupt the proper functioning of the Site, or to modify or delete information that you are not authorized to modify or delete.

Intellectual property

The information contained on the Site, trademarks, logos, software, texts, images, graphics as well as the database and the structure of the Site are the exclusive property of Haliro and are protected by the Intellectual Property Code. You may only download, copy, or print a page of the Site for your personal use, and provided that you respect the copyrights and ownership notices. Any commercial use or public dissemination is prohibited. You are not authorized to rephrase or delete the content of the Site in any way. Any other use not expressly provided for herein is not authorized and requires the express written and prior consent of Haliro. You are not allowed in particular to reproduce trademarks and logos of our company, to create deep hyperlinks to any element of the Site other than the homepage, to use or extract all or part of the databases used by the Site, to use any programs used by the website or to upload anything that may infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party.


The information contained on the Site is provided in good faith and Haliro does its utmost to ensure its accuracy. However, Haliro cannot provide any guarantee or assurance regarding the information provided. Haliro will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, material or immaterial, resulting from the use of the Site or the information available on the Site. Haliro shall not be liable for loss of income or actual or expected earnings, loss of business, loss of customers or turnover, damage to reputation or brand image, or loss or corruption of your personal data…. You agree to provide Haliro with sincere and accurate information, both in terms of personal information and your professional background. Please note that any false statement may incur liability on the part of the author. Therefore, you agree to hold Haliro harmless from all financial consequences resulting from a claim or action brought against us as a result of the transmission of inaccurate information on your part. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify Haliro for all costs, expenses, and losses resulting from your use or misuse of the site. Haliro cannot guarantee that an employer or client will request information about a candidate, ask to interview a candidate, or hire the candidate. We do not in any way guarantee the final terms or duration of an offer obtained through this Site. Even though we make every effort in this regard, we cannot guarantee that an employer or client will respect the confidentiality of the information provided to them. If any provision of these Terms of Use is held invalid by a competent court, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force. Haliro may amend these Terms of Use at any time. Therefore, you agree to review these terms of use each time you visit. This Site was created in France. By using this Site, you expressly and irrevocably accept the aforementioned Terms of Use. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these Terms of Use shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts applying French law.

Data controller and data protection

The data controller is Haliro. You can write to us at any time at the following postal address: 58 Rue de Monceau 75008 Paris or by email at Haliro is committed to protecting the personal data collected, not transferring it to a third party without your prior knowledge, and respecting the purposes for which the data was collected. The right to withdraw refers to the ability offered to internet users to request that their personal information no longer appears, for example, on a mailing list. To exercise these rights, you can send an email to our GDPR service:

The security of your personal data

Haliro is committed to complying with the regulations applicable to the securing of personal data. The Haliro tool is secured by an SSL certificate. Communications within the Haliro tool are encrypted. Haliro ensures that its employees and service providers responsible for processing personal data are subject to an appropriate obligation of confidentiality. In the event of a breach of personal data, Haliro will inform you as soon as possible and by any means, in accordance with applicable legislation. In addition, we perform checks on the various requests from client companies to ensure that the data is being processed properly. Haliro takes all necessary precautions to preserve the security and confidentiality of your data, including preventing them from being hacked, distorted, damaged, or disclosed to unauthorized third parties. Haliro ensures that personal data is stored under conditions respecting industry standards.

Modification of the privacy policy

Haliro reserves the right to modify the privacy policy at any time by publishing a new version on the tool, by notifying you by email or by a notification at the next login to the Haliro tool. If you do not accept the modified Privacy Policy, you can exercise your right to refuse by deleting your information. Before deleting your information, you have the option to request the recovery of your data. The applicable privacy policy is the last one you accepted.

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