Evaluate any business or sector on demand
Buy only a benchmark for your needs
we provide you with a comparison of 1, 2, 3, 1000 companies according to your needs
Compare your competitors
You define the number of competitors and we provide you with a PDF containing all the key ESG highlights.
Through 50 categories including strategy, business model, environment, social, governance.
we cite all data sources
We can integrate any publicly traded or non-publicly traded company in the world.
the report is customizable according to chosen axes

Evaluate your sector
Do you want to have your business evaluated in its sector?
We position your company in its sector.
You can understand where you stand in relation to your competitors globally across each axis.
We alternate between visuals and summaries to position your company.
You can see your positioning on each axis: environmental, social, governance.
Evaluate your suppliers
Do you have thousands of suppliers? Do you want to analyze a category?
Haliro provides you with an ESG view by category if you wish.
You have a report on the chosen indicators (environment, waste, etc.)
you alternate between two views: global and detailed
All the data is sourced to provide you with talking points with your suppliers.

Inspire yourself
Do you want to attract talent? Understand your clients' CSR strategy?
We answer your specific questions about any sector or business in the world.
Example mobility practices in other regions, other sectors
How does the luxury sector ask its suppliers to improve their CSR practices?
Ask your questions; we will create the report on the number of selected companies, sectors, and geographies!
Let's discuss your issues
Send us your questions and we will start the discussion.
This form is the beginning of a conversation that will help you change sustainability in your business.
They already trust us

Our artificial intelligence platform allows you to accelerate your transformation.
Artificial Intelligence at the service of ESG - CSR
2 days
Time to obtain the report
Quantitative and qualitative categories
global stock exchanges
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How does Haliro ensure the update of regulations?
How do I connect to Haliro?
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